The 2024 Collection

All the paintings are available for purchase. Once you have identified the artwork(s) that resonate with you, kindly reach out to me, and I will assist you in the acquisition process. The prices for the artworks in my studio range from $750 to $5000, significantly lower than their commercial gallery counterparts, often amounting to half the price or less.

The 2025 Collection

The Red Room
24" X 30"

The Bad Habit
24" X 30"


Ick, Do I Have To?
24" X 30"

I’ll Lend A Hand
24" X 30"

A Nodding Acquaintance
24" X 30"

You Wish
24" X 30"

How Did This Happen
24" X 30"

My Perspective
30" X 45"

The Boy In The Moon
24" X 30"

The Lace Dowager
24" X 30"

It's Good To Be King
30" X 45"

I Had A Tough Day
24" X 30"

Rats! Foiled Again!
24" X 30"

24" X 30"

Dropped Notes
24" X 30"

I'm Handy
24" X 30"

Forest Dream
24" X 30"

I'm Always with You
24" X 30"

Twas A Dark Stormy Night
30" x 40"

It's Me, Not You.
24" X 30"

Everybody Loves A Parade
24" X 30"

Meet The Johnsons
30" X 40"

She Sees The World Differently
30" X 24"

Abstractly Speaking
40" X 40"

Winter Night
30" x 40"

Guitar Man
24" X 30"

24" X 30"

Is this the way?
30" X 40"

I am not what you think I am
30" X 40"

The Young Man in the Moon
24" X 30"


The 2023 Collection

It’s Thataway!
30" X 46"

True Love
24 x 30

Have A Grape
24" X 30"

Day Is Done
24" X 32"

24" X 30"

Angst - 2023
24" X 30"

24" X 30"

Admirable Quality
24" X 30"

Three Guitars
30" X 30"

The Outsider
24" X 30"

Our Cities Are Melting
24" X 30"

The Isolated Family
24" X 30"

Moonlight Is For Lovers
24" X 30"

The Ties That Bind
34" X 30"

Aint Life Grand!
36" X 36"

It's Coming
28" X 34"

Jazz Hands
24" X 34"

28" X 34"

A Lot On His Mind II
24" X 24"

Guitar Dreams
24" X 32"

My Wine Cellar
34" X 30"

The Painterly Family I
18" X 24"

We’re The Jones
18" X 24"

I Think He’s Cute
18" X 24"

Did You Hear?
18" X 24"

Pensive Man
24" X 18"


The 2022 Collection

24" X 32"

Black Beauty
28" X 36"

A lot on his mind III
24" X 36"

Abstract Harbor
28" X 24"

24" X 30"

Coming Out
24" X 36"

Surreal Village
30" X 40"

The Corn Cob Pipe
30" X 40"

Complicated Cargo
30" X 40"

It’s A Wonderful World
30" X 40"

The Gang's All Here
30" X 40"

30" X 40"

30" X 40"

See No Evil
24" X 30"

A Day At The Beach
30" X 40"

The Light At The End Of The Tunnel
30" X 40"

A Pair of Queens
24" X 30"

A Day At The Museum
30" X 40"

Frolic By The Sea
30" X 40"

30" X 40"

Global Warming
30" X 40"

Letter From Home
30" X 40"

Mother Nature
30" X 40"

Ukrainia Agonisti
30" X 40"

All About Life
24" X 30"

What To Do?
24" X 30"


The 2021 Collection

Abstract #62
24" X 30"

Abstract #32
24" X 30"

Abstract #53
24" X 30"

Amy’s Chicken
24" X 30"

24" X 30"

Atlas at Work
24" X 30"

24" X 30"

July 3
24" X 30"

Pierrot in a Hurry
24" X 30"

24" X 30"

Dropped Notes
24" X 30"

Red Sun
24" X 30"

Ker - POW!
24" X 30"

24" X 30"

Rothko Who?
24" x 30"

The Bird
24" X 30"

Integrated Village
24" X 30"

On Top of the Mess
24" X 30"

Dartmouth BFF
24" X 30"

Apre Mondrian
24" X 30"

Danse Matisse
24" X 30"

Unemployed Harlequin
24" X 30"

Legs Alive
24" X 30"

Decisions, Decisions
24" X 30"

People In Chaos
24" X 30"

Tut, Tut
24" X 30"

String Quartet
24" X 30"

24" X 30"

Lady and Cactus
24" X 30"

It's Always Something
24" X 30"

The 2020 Collection

Dr. Figuera
24" X 30"

What Now
24" X 30"

Still life #21
24" x 30"

Gee, if only..
24" X 30"

Chicken Little's World
24" X 30"

Starry Night
24" x 30"

Like Father Like Son
24" X 30"

24" X 30"

24" x 30"

Self Portrait
24" X 30"

A Christmas Card
24" X 30"

Not Claudia-2
24" X 30"

Covid 1 - The Omen
24" X 30"

Covid 2 - The Empty Theater
24" X 30"

Covid 3 - George Floyd
24" X 30"

Six Faces
24" X 30"

Seven Faces
24" X 30"

Abstract #79
24" X 30"

The Lost Weekend
24" X 30"

Abstract #7
24" X 30"

Sailing Day
24" X 30"

Abstract #16
24" X 30"

Abstract #22
24" X 30"

Abstract #41
24" X 30"

Abstract #39
24" X 30"


The 2019 Collection

36" X 36"

A Balanced Bookcase
24" X 30"

Storm Is Coming
24" X 30"

Birds of A Feather
24" x 30"

A Day At the Beach
24" X 30"

Village 2019
24" X 30"

Reach Out and Touch Someone
24" x 30"

Talk to the Hand
24" X 30"

I Heard It’s Going Around
24" X 30"

You'v Got Me All A Whirl
24" X 30"

Be Careful
24" X 30"

A Bolt Out of the Blue
24" X 30"

Birds of A Feather
24" x 30"

What Now?
24" x 30"

Things Are Complicated
24" X 30"

The 2018 Collection

3 Dudes
24" X 30"

A dog in 2 dimensions
24" X 30"

It's Shocking
24" x 30"

Abstract #3
24" X 30"

Abstract #4
24" X 30"

Abstract #5
24" x 30"

A Man Beside Himself
24" x 30"

My Nightly Schedule
24" X 30"

My Daily Schedule
24" X 30"

The 2017 Collection

Homage to Stuart Davis
24" X 30"

24" X 30"

Number 2
24" X 30"

Harlequin triptych
24" X 30"

Woman with vase
24" X 30"

Just hangin' in Africa
24" X 30"

Three Faces
24" X 30"

Three Faces Too
24" X 30"


The 2016 Collection

Eruption 2
30" X 40"

Would You Like To Fly
30" X 40"

Who Let The Dogs Out?
30" X 40"

Beethoven's Fifth
30" X 40"

30" X 40"

Running With The Bulls
30" X 40""

One Nation, Under Stress
30" X 40"

24" X 30"

Who Has More Fun Than I Do?
30" X 40"

The 2015 Collection

Bouquet #1
46" X 60"

Bouquet #2
46" X 60"

Bouquet #3
46" X 60"

The History of the Bicycle'
30" X 40"

The Hills Are Alive
30" X 40"

The Pool Parlor
30" X 40"

The 2014 Collection

San Francisco Card
36" X 24"

A New, New England Coast
40" X 30"

All that Jazz
40" X 30"

Basement of the Fed
40" X 30"

Abstracts in motion - Floating
60" X 36"

Abstracts in motion - Vibrations
60" X 36"

Abstracts in motion - Explosion
60" X 36"


The 2013 Collection

What Housing Shortage?
36" X 48"

A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
30" X 40"

The Joy of Reading
30" X 40"

Come On In, The Water's Fine
30" X 40"

A Garden of Delights
30" X 40"

Unfinished Symphony
30" X 40"

It's About Time
46" X 46"

It's About Time, Too
46" X 46"

Not Claudia
46" X 36"

Road Trip - Clouds
30" X 40"


2012 and Prior

36" X 36"

The Unquiet Village
40" X 30"

Concrete and Clay
30" X 24"

Vitruvian, Man
28" X 24"

Leger and Haring
30" X 24"

Small Worlds
30" X 24"

Happy Hour
28" X 24"

Times A Wastin'
28" X 24"

Babel's Tower
28" X 24"

Eden's Garden
36" X 48"

The Ark of Noah
36" X 48"

Medicine 2010
30" X 40"

The Disunited States of America
24" X 18"

The Interior Interior
24" X 18"

The Sands of Time
46" X 46"

A River Runs Through It
36" X 24"


1980's Collection

A Ride In The Woods - 1983
30" X 40"

Abstract #2
30" X 40"

Where To Now?
30" X 40"

Homage to Delacroix - 1983
30 X 40"

24" X 30"

© 2011- 2023 Jeff Brown